Apartments Safe for Mid 20s Woman Ballard/Fremont Area


I will be moving to the Seattle area in the next few months and I currently live on the East Coast. Since I'm so far and will be moving so soon, I unfortunately won't have time for a trip out to tour apartments.

I'm looking for a 1/1 $2k a month max and since I am a woman who will be living alone, any apartments with extra "security" steps like having to badge into diff areas of the complex would be amazing. I'm mainly looking at the Ballard/Fremont areas because I am looking to be somewhere walkable :)

Any recommendations (even if they are in different areas) are greatly appreciated! I was looking into Capitol Hill a bit but from what I've heard/seen online is that there may be a bit more crime? I understand there is crime and homeless people everywhere so as long as I am able to roam around the area without checking over my shoulder every 5 seconds I'm happy!

Loves: coffee shops, farmers markets, breweries :)

Thank you in advance!