[Rant] Mother and In-Laws hate Seattle, and it’s getting me down
Both my mother and my mother in law recently sent my wife and I a joint message “formally” telling my wife and I that we need to leave Seattle. They tried to frame it as my wife and I being completely irresponsible raising our children “in that environment” and suggested we need to move at least one hour outside of Seattle. By their estimate, it’s wildly unsafe, morally bankrupt, filthy, liberal (equivalent to satanic by their reckoning) and absolutely no place to raise a family (my second child is on the way). They even offered to “help us afford it” for their “grandchildren’s sake” (I own a 3k sq ft house a few blocks from Volunteer Park… they assume I live here because I can’t afford to move further out of the city…).
I’m pretty good at blowing them off, they’re boomers who think if you live within a hundred miles of a city your children are going to become prostitutes or something. And my wife has been pretty good about it too, but she listens to her mom more than I do and it’s starting to get to her. She asked if we’d consider moving to Bellevue or further out to Issaqua “where it’s safer”. I know it’s because her mom calls her about it every week.
But I love living where we are now, our house and neighborhood are beautiful, I love being close to the city, I love Seattle people and Seattle culture, I love not needing to drive to work, and it just does not seem like a “dangerous liberal hell hole” here to me. I really don’t want to leave and I don’t want to fight my parents and wife on this the rest of my life.
I’ve told my mom she has to stop pestering us or I’m not letting her visit her grandchildren, I think it’ll slow things down. But my wife is hesitant to lay down that kind of law with her mom. I’m worried with a few more years of constant prodding my wife is going to turn against me on this and then I will have to move way out of Seattle. Which would suck because we both work less than 10 minutes from our house now…
Anyways, I’m not really looking for advice, just ranting. It’s not that big of a deal and is just normal, loving family drama. My life is great and maybe that’s why it bothers me so much to be told, constantly, that I should be scared and move.
I wish I lived in a country where the media wasn’t constantly pushing this “cities/blue states are liberal hell holes, only the sprawling exurbs of Texas are safe” narrative. I wish my parents didn’t fall for it. I wish they could be happy that my kids will grow up in a more vibrant community than I did, with parents who work close by and not an hour drive into the city each way like mine did. I wish they’d see the beauty of the culture of Seattle, even some of the “rougher” parts like I do, instead of freaking out because someone in the park had tattoos. I wish they’d be happy for my life and the home I love in Seattle, instead of terrified.
Thanks for hearing my drama, I feel better. Have a wonderful day neighbors ❤️