Please help me get Josh Gordon reinstated.

I recently found out that we can e-mail Rodger Goodell. Not sure why that came as a surprise to me since he is a public figure, but it was. So I will be emailing him, requesting he reinstate Josh Gordon immediately. Our sub has over 100k subscribers, so if I could get at least 1% of you to join me, that would certainly send a message. you can write your own thoughtful message, or use one of the templates I have created below. Please only use "Josh Gordon" in the subject line. And lastly, please keep your message cordial.

This is not personal information, but rather public information. It is our duty as citizens to request affirmative action from public servants.

If you would like to email him, you can send your heartfelt message to [email protected]

EDIT: People are saying their emails are getting bounced. So maybe DM him on Twitter @NFLCommish

Snail mail can be sent to:

Roger Goodell, Commissioner

National Football League

280 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10017

Now for those who would like a template, please choose one of the following.


Dear Mr. Goodell,

On behalf of NFL fans, I would personally like to ask that you please reinstate Mr. Josh Gordon of the Seattle Seahawks. Thank you.


Dear Mr. Goodell,

I would like to start off by saying I am your biggest fan! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to making the NFL the world's most beloved sport! <3

Unfortunately, I have some troubling news. My grandmother is dying and has only 1 week left to live. Her favorite NFL player is Josh Gordon. I think she may be dying of a broken heart because she is not able to watch him play. Her final wish in life is to see Mr. Gordon play. Could you please reinstate Mr. Gordon so my grandmother can have her final wish in life? Pretty please.



Bro, it's been a while. We met in Tijuana a few years back. You may not remember me, but I wouldn't expect you to. I was the one that served you what you described as "The best margarita you have ever had!"

Anyways. I need you to do me a solid. In return for making the best margarita you have ever had, can you please reinstate the best WR you have ever had. Mr. Josh Gordon.

I appreciate any help from you guys. Since moving away from Seattle I don't have many friends, and Josh Gordon is the closest thing I have to one.