Script Pipeline's Pitch Contest - Show Bible or Pitch Deck?
Hey Everyone!
So I just came across with Script Pipeline's Pitch Contest here:
On their site I only found this information regarding the "format": A logline and full synopsis is required, detailing the story's beginning, middle, and end. This can be brief, anywhere from 1-3 pages is typical. Pitch decks (any length) are also more than welcome.
You can submit your pitch via Coverfly where you can upload a "Show Bible" or a "Pitch" as well. Now, this is the tricky part that I'm kinda unsure about: should I upload a Show Bible or a Pitch Deck?
Fortunately I have both, ready to upload in any minute, but I've never applied to a "contest" like this before so I don't know which would be more beneficial:
- The Show Bible, of course, is much more detailed and "text heavy". It's a total of 10 pages, although the last 3 pages only contain some "moodboard" pictures. Every key element of the show is described in details, but those 7 pages are "only" text, so naturally, it's not very visually grapping.
- The Pitch Deck is of course much more visual (I spent weeks in Canva to make it), but while the key elements of the show are in there, they are not that detailfully described as they are in the Bible.
Based on your experience (or just common sense, really), what would be your suggestion? Which one should I use to submit?
Thank you everyone in advance!