The Scottish government’s pro-EU/pro-migration stance is dumb and arrogant

Im from Aberdeenshire (a stone’s throw from Aberdeen) and I don’t get why as a British citizen I don’t get things like jobs etcetera because of high immigration to this area for years. I understand and have more tolerance for migration from our old commonwealth who have that shared connection and have valuable skills to bring but it feels like I myself am being priced out of entry-level jobs and even more lucrative endeavours. But with the Scottish Government’s obsession with the EU and especially EU migration in particular it made it hard to get anywhere regarding jobs etc and the cultural effect it has had too. I was 20 when the referendum was held and I voted leave because of this but my vote was never cared about.

Every publication the Scottish government publishes always worships the EU as the second coming of Christ. As an Aberdonian who was born in Aberdeen I have felt like I don’t belong because of this, and a lot of Scottish people won’t understand because they’re areas weren’t as affected by high migration like we were. It seems every time even in my village when I walk out every second person I pass is not speaking English. It’s funny because people usually grate on the Asian people etc who do actually make an effort to integrate and teach their children English unlike the Europeans. It’s as if Brexit never even happened.