New behavior (amnesia)

So I know you meet one schizophrenic you meet one schizophrenic because they are as unique as everyone else, but o am curious if anyone else’s SO forgets doing things. My wife was diagnosed almost a year ago, and we have had some adjustments to make. However today was something completely new. I got home from church and there was a small pan full of bacon grease. I know I didn’t cook bacon for me and my son, so I woke up my wife and asked her. The reason this is unusual is she claims to not remember how to cook, and has left that, along with all the other domestic duties, to me. She stared at me and walked to the bathroom ( where she goes when she feels overwhelmed). I kept my tone neutral because she feels like I am “mean” if my voice shows any irritation at her odd behavior. I just cleaned the pan and thought it best not to press the issue. She came in later saying she had no memory of making bacon. She has never had any memory loss up to this point. So my question is, has anyone else felt with this. I’m scared that she is either gaslighting me or she is developing a separate personality. I honestly don’t know. Maybe I just needed to get it off my chest.