Explorer feels underwhelming

What are your usecases for Explorer? To me it feels like it is more useless than I want it to be. I would like to explore more with it but it always seems to be worse than just running with blade runners and parachute, let alone jetpack and hypertube cannons.

More general thoughts: Without infrastructure (roads or something), it seems possible to drive it in Grassy Fields, Rocky Desert and Dune Desert. Good luck trying it anywhere else.

Example 1: I am going on a hard drive / sphere / sloop hunt. Most of those items are inacessible by vehicles (cliffs, canyons, etc). So I will have to climb manually a lot. And then go back to the Explorer. And I cannot use object scanner while inside.

Example 2: I am going from factory A to factory B and then back. This usecase seems relevant, however, only as long as the factories are located in a biome I can actually traverse using the Explorer (see general thoughts section). Going from Grassy Fields to Rocky Desert? Probably just going to fall in that big lake.

And I also need to fuel it! And it can't run throught factories themselves because of all the belts and stuff. Yes, I could build my factories specifically in a way that allows driving Explorer through them, but isn't it too much effort for something that is somewhat faster while way less controllable than just running?

And when reaching jetpack it gets even worse. It just seems so easier flying around that hitting all the rocks and trees on my way.

TL;DR How am I supposed to have fun with Explorer? Map seems very poorly designed in terms of vehicle driving.