Join the PG&E protest to lower our electric rate in April
Hi San Jose fellows,
I'm so sick of PG&E (and the CPUC) increasing our utility rates 6 times in the past year. They are now blaming solar owners for their rate increase because of overall lower usage that don't generate the same revenue for their company. They are finding ways to screw the solar owners as well.
If you are sick of these greedy pigs, check out the PG&E protest organizing by a group called "Stop PG&E" on Facebook. They now have almost 8000 members from many cities and getting very serious about bringing PG&E down.
If you don't use Facebook but interested in joining the protest, here's the signup webpage to RSVP so that someone from the organization team will contact you in regard to address, carpool, poster materials, etc...
Date is April 24th, but could be changed due to weather condition.