I better not hear none of y'all say this here
This morning Donald Trump announced that he's making English the official language of the USA. Cool. We haven't had one in our entire history. But here's the thing, our country was named after an Italian. 37 states were named after words originating from Spanish, French and the Native Americans. The other 13 were BRITISH COLONIES. The USA recognizes that there are over 350 languages spoken throughout this country. Before today, official languages were only part of the state constitutions. It doesn't mean you're going to stop pressing one for English because you still live in a country with 340m people and counting, and each one of them has the first amendment right to speak in any language they want.
Also, just so you can get practice...
It's speak English, you're in America. Not your. Those homophones you should've learnt how to differentiate in 3rd grade.
But y'all gon stay in Santa Clara. San Jose. Santa Cruz. Wherever. If I hear one of y'all run your mouths imma play jump rope with your vocal chords.