Reporting broths/human trafficking
In the last few months I’ve become increasingly aware of a local “beauty” store actually operating as a brothel. I called and left a message with SJPD’s human trafficking department and gotten no response.
I get that they are understaffed but doing some online searches it is clear this place is not even hiding their operation very well. It seems kind of crazy to me that a place like this could remain open and worries me about the slippery slope when organized criminals realize how easily they can get away with stuff like this. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to handle this? I’ve considered reaching out to news organizations. Thanks.
EDIT: Seeing which posts are getting upvoted/downvoted in this thread is really concerning (especially as a woman). There are many who are asking “how I know” there is trafficking going on: I don’t. But it is clear there are sexual services offered. In response to the many who cry foul and that there is nothing wrong with sex work, I’d just be hurting the women, etc. the intent is not to hurt the women working. The problem is that “massage parlors” that offer sexual services are often the types of environments where human trafficking is prevalent, and as a result, why law enforcement recommends you report them.