Where city should I move to?

About me? I'm a single gay male who is currently living in philadelphia(originally from the midwest). I don't mind where I live, but I just want a lot more excitement, stuff to do, and energy.

What I want:

  1. I want a city with a huge gay community with a lot of history and intrigue.

  2. A place with great public transportation that doesn't have strikes that make me paranoid that I'll be without a way to go to work. I do not have a car and have no inclination of buying one in the future

  3. A place where I'm able to go swimming, and never get bored, something always to do, roller coasters, fun touristy stuff, etc.

  4. I don't have a college degree, so a place with a low cost of living is preferred but not required, just as long as roommates are common in the area. I currently make 32k a year, and I'm not afraid to be frugal, but I do like to splurge every now and then. I do have experience working at a waiter.

  5. A place where there's a lot of attractive people(I know. It's shallow, I'm a gym rat attracted to other gym rats, but it is what it is)