Want to leave Atlanta… but to where?

I will try to give as much relevant background as possible. We are in our late 20s with a baby on the way.

I live in Kennesaw with spouse and drive into ATL (I’d guess 80 minutes round trip on average.) I’m sick of the commute (shocker.)

We grew up in a shitty city in SW GA and much prefer it here, but still feel like there is somewhere we’d like better.

I can’t deal with anywhere much hotter than this (FL,TX are out) and spouse won’t do anywhere too cold (MN, Chicago are out).

House budget is $300-600k with some wiggle room.

Proximity to a at least mid-sized city is probably a must for me.

Access to nature of some kind is a must. We love mountains and beach.

Fine with suburbs or living outside of a city proper and commuting in, just less than 30 minutes one way.

Happy to give more info if I didn’t cover anything important