what’s your biggest customer pet peeve
i work at a high volume store and i’ve noticed a trend. sometimes when i greet a customer they ignore tf out of me, fine whatever. my manager is insane about sales behaviors though so i usually persist with the “what can we help you with today” and they’ll ignore me or maybe i’ll get a “i know what i need” then EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL in less than 5 minutes they come up to me with a question. like sorry girl u missed ur chance??? like it’s one thing when someone respectfully says they don’t need help but it’s ALWAYS someone who IGNORES ME BLATANTLY WHILE MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH ME LOOKING AT ME LIKE IM STUPID who unapologetically has a question. and half the time it’s when im with another customer or busy doing something.
honorable mention: when someone says “EXCUSE ME????” “HELLO” from across the store completely out of view. like u saw me standing at the front when u walked in, you can respectfully come up to me and ask your question like a normal person