Severely Underpaid #1 Performer in Company
Sorry in advance for the long-winded post. I 24(m) currently make $76k base and, after bonus, will make approximately $90k this year in an M/LCOLA. I currently work for an independent investment advisory firm and am the only licensed individual on staff other than the 100% owner of the company. By any metric you look at I am severely underpaid. I am responsible for virtually all new account generation (primarily through referrals) and much of the current client's general upkeep (keeping up with their financial plan, answering questions - virtually everything besides the generic mundane admin tasks). I have been signing new business since OCT 23, and this year, I will have signed on nearly $40M in new accounts which is a record in new assets (we will do $50m this year) (again, not my contacts; I am just closing leads we get from referrals and occasionally an online find). The gentleman who did this job prior to me was making around $150k base and $200k TC (41M), doing the job about 1/2 as effective as I am currently doing. I have been with the company for 4.25 years now and have been given great raises yearly (10% or more), but I am still around $30k-$40k underpaid based on my own analysis. The worst part? The owner started dating one of the ladies in the office and she is being paid the same salary as me currently (with about 1.5 years here, no license, advanced degrees, etc - she only does admin). What should I do?
edit: I do not own the clients or have a book of business texhnically