Racism experienced as a Tourist.

I visited Tbilisi at the start of January 2025, I am an Indian and I was visiting Turkey. There was an additional week of traveling and I thought why not travel some fun place. We ended up deciding on Georgia (The mountains, wine villages, City Center etc).

Now, Turkey turned out to be amongst the best experience I had, literally one of the most welcoming places - helpful locals, interactive shopkeepers and just amazing place.

As soon as we landed Georgia, I was met with immigration that was straight up rude and loud. Although I had all the documents and my exit tickets and stay was paid for, she ended up telling me "I know why you're here.". I didn't take it kindly and asked why, she gestured me to move on, I went to the escalator ahead and showed a finger to her. (Not smart but I didn't mind getting deported.). Next, I figured this was a one off and I moved ahead - although I was a bit disturbed.

Now, we ended up traveling around the city and were met with stares, even though there are lot of Indian medical students there (most plan to return after studying medicine.) Now, I turned more agitated, and when being told to leave the county when bargaining with a shop keeper, told them I am a tourist and will go back anyways.

It was 1st January, so restaurants would be closing early, so it was no surprise that we were told so, but the way we were told was disrespectful with big hand crosses, and even the customers telling us to leave.

We went to drop one of our friends studying medical (to an area she described safe and rich) and were met with drunk people in cars shouting and even, a group of students being racist. Even young kids were laughing loudly for no apparent reason pushing each other towards us.

We met a few random students and asked them about their experience and they told how they spend a night in jail defending themselves. It was just saddening to hear that. These are 17 to 18 year old kids that have never stepped foot on a foreign soil. They were made fun of their height, color etc.

Finally, I was pretty done with place, didn't buy any souvenirs. And even at the airport, we were ill treated. I was made to remove two layers of clothing while the security officer laughed at her friends. The guy screening me ended up whispering sorry in my ear when he saw he exchange looks with my friend as I was checked 2 additional times.

I mean, I didn't ever account racism to be a factor while traveling, but I will take it as one from now. It was a horrible experience and I definitely will never forget it. To everyone on here who keeps negative thoughts for us, how much ever you dislike Indians, you will find us everywhere you go because of our sheer population please learn to at least keep the hate to yourselves.