Justine Bateman weighs in. "The problem with Meghan Markle (and her husband, Harry) is that every opportunity they have explored or exploited over the past few years has been due to their very aggressive Victim Olympics campaign."


https://justinebateman.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-meghan-markle - this is for paid subscribers and I am not one and so I do not have the full opinion piece. But I find it especially interesting in how Megsy has now drawn in commentary from loads of Americans who previously did not bother to pay any attention to her. And their opinions, so far as I have seen, are scathing. The Unsussexful cypher on the victim olympics medal is an especially sweet nod.

For those of you who do not know, Justine is a long time Hollywood/L.A. actress, director, film person.