Commenter compares Meghan to Brooklyn Beckham

This is in NY magazine, which has tended to be one of the friendlier outlets for Meghan, despite the infamous Cut interview by Alison P. Davis. But a recent review of the show attracted over 300 comments---a lot for NY mag---and almost all are negative. I hadn't seen the analogy to David Beckham's talent-free son Brooklyn before and it strikes me as the best comparison. Here is the full comment.

"When most people have to do the work first, then get rewarded with a show - it was a reverse strategy here." This. I think this is the beef a lot of people have with this show.
I pointed it out in an earlier post. It's like Brooklyn Beckham going from one profession to another, and always starting at the top, despite no training or discerning skill or ability. He went from model to photographer; he dropped out of NYU after one semester but was still rewarded with a photography book (that was widely derided). Then he decides he's a chef and immediately he's in front of TV cameras and starting a product line—again, without a day spent in culinary school or in a restaurant kitchen. That's what this attempt by Meghan reminds me of.