Meghan missing the Mark

I think there are a couple issues which explain why Meghan’s ventures are not going well.

First, she is not likeable generally. This is normally ok; not everyone is likeable. If you’re not likeable, to succeed in Hollywood, you need to either have a) a skill people want to watch or b) you need to be someone people aspire to be.

No one aspires to be Meghan. She is currently rich but everyone knows that she and Harry don’t have careers or a good income, so people wouldn’t aspire to that with her.

She left everyone’s dream, being in a popular Royal family and becoming a Duchess to scrape by on realty tv.

She doesn’t have any family and chased away her in-laws family too.

It just sounds like a sad existence.

She doesn’t seem to have a close circle of friends; only a couple who seem to be trying to glom onto what fame she has left.

Separately, I don’t understand why she is dressed to the nines while cooking. A silk skirt makes no sense in the kitchen. Does she have no where else to wear nice outfits so she has to do that on this show? Just makes her appear even less relatable.

Given all this, I doubt she and Harry are happy at the moment. I have to wonder if he’s rethinking all his choices.