Timeline theory based on the VF article allegations

After taking in the gloriousness of the SAVAGE takedown by the VF article, it kinda got me wondering about timing on everything regarding Casa Sussex. What primarily struck me about the VF article is the sheer size of the project—it was an 8,000 word article! That is no small feat. It wasn’t a quickie Yahoo article that half-assed the story and regurgitated quotes and nonsense from X or other SM platforms. It was a legitimate journalistic investigative piece. And those are not written overnight…. This was MONTHS in the making. Sources had to be vetted, timelines had to be verified, and various parties (team Sussex players and “employers”) had to be extended courtesy headsups along with opportunities to comment or respond. It was no doubt a daunting project.

So keeping all of that in mind, the timeline for MM and PH’s antics over the last few months kinda makes sense. This is what I believe happened starting around the beginning of August:

Early August or late July:  VF starts the legwork on the article and word gets out around the magazine office of whats coming down. Either someone at the office tipped Team Markle off and says “Hey…just so ya know , this is in the works..” or a deliberate “leak” got back to MM and PH relaying the rumor of what is possibly to come. They aren’t sure of anything definite but just that something is looming that might have some substance to it. The whole point is that in early August they do the Jane Pauly interview and the 2 are noticeably frosty towards each other. Harry is coming to the end of his rope and at his wits end with her b.s. and MM is pissed at the world and pissed cuz now it seems Harry is starting to listen to some of the negativity swirling.

Mid August**-** MM/PH go to Colombia where MM is AGAIN clueless and tactless about culture and interaction. PH looks disinterested and irritated. The whole trip appears pointless and directionless.

Sometime mid to end of September: VF officially makes contact with Team Markle (both MM and PH) and relay the intent of their article and ask for comments. Of course neither agree. PH gets further aggravated by their continued fall from grace and zero follow-thru on the promise MM gave him that they’d be at the top of the world if they just follow her genius plan.

Not long after in mid to end of September: VF contacts PH one-on-one (no Megs around) to relay the bombshell: “So what do you have to say about a verified conversation between MM and a publisher where she is pitching a book about life post-divorce from you Harry?”  Harry HITS THE ROOF! That was the straw. He finally has proof that the toxicity has been coming from his beloved all along. MM and PH get into it and he leaves Montecito under the guise of making speeches and working but then the whole world is playing  Where in the World is Carmen San Diego but with our favorite ginger as the starring role. PH is in hiding and refusing to talk to MM. He’s using friends and disinformation to figure out what’s what with MM and the media. MM freaks out! When is this article coming out? Who is talking? What are they telling Harry? Where is Harry? Why wont he talk to me?! Why wont he come home!!??

And we get MM looking like a wackadoo at the LACH Gala red carpet in that hideous red dress--- she has to keep up appearances with PH and the world. She was telling PH: “See… Im still important. See me!” …

PH announces they are separating professionally.

October thru end of December: PH is staying away. MM is frantically trying to lure him back home and at the same time save face in the media. The VF article is just looming like a dark storm in the distance. However, by this time NF and Spotify employees have been contacted by VF. Its unofficially official—VF has a scathing article on MM and PH in the works. NF and Spotify are gonna come out looking like jackasses AND the product they are trying to sell (the 2 loons and their ridiculous shows) are about to get even harder to sell! MM is frantically trying to calm NF’s nerves and sweet talk her way into getting her show made.

Polo premiers—another embarrassment. PH is DONE with all the mess. He has no career, no homelife, and nothing but regret when he looks at the woman he married. He knows he got played. And soon this VF article is coming out and everyone is gonna know it.

Sometime around the end of December --VF offers again: Any comments? … MM and PH say NO! But now they are told to expect the article “around mid January”.  NF says: “we gotta put this crap out now before this article comes out.”  MM gleefully starts her “comeback” to sm with her IG return. NF puts out the trailer. The show is set to air Jan. 15th (mid January alignment with the mystery article).

What no one expected was the absolute SKEWERING MM and NF would get on Youtube. MM freaks out and is PISSED!! NF wont turn off comments and PH is looking around and shaking his head.   A faux impromptu tribute to Guy cant even help the ongoing dragging in the media.

**Jan7—**LA wildfires breakout. MM is saved by the distraction of disaster. MM convinces PH to come home and meet up to put on a good face. MM/PH make fools of themselves as “disaster tourists”.

PH is officially DONE DONE and says “Its over.” MM still has money on the brain and tells NF: “Delay the show cuz me and PH will be going our separate ways officially—everyone will tune in to watch the show at that point.” NF agrees. Show is pushed to March 4th.

**Jan 17th—**VF article drops. That atom bomb left a far-reaching mushroom cloud.

I believe a divorce/separation announcement is looming between now and March 4th.