John Karony: It's your fault I scammed you because you should've been reading the blockchain.

Wild stuff. For anyone not in the loop, John was stripped of his assets & cash after his arrest and was assigned a public defender. Soon after, a lawfirm offered their services to John pro-bono and they have been hard at work submitting a Motion to Dismiss the DOJ Lawsuit on all charges. The DOJ submitted a response recently to that Motion to Dismiss which sets out why they believe the case to have merit, and John's lawyers have just submitted their response to that.


First of all, just a bit of context. John's primary defense to the allegations has been around Extraterritoriality - as in, you can't prosecute me for these crimes in a US court because the alleged acts were committed on the Binance blockchain, which isn't based in the US.

You will note that this isn't actually an attempt at exoneration of the crimes. It's actually just trying to squirm through a loophole to evade justice. He isn't saying "Here's the proof we didn't defraud the investors and misappropriate the LP" at all.

But now that push is coming to shove, John's newest submission actually elicited an audible hoot of mirth and indignation when I read it. I couldn't believe it.

It is a matter of public record that every time the developers withdrew tokens from the LP, this information was immediately disclosed publicly to any blockchain user with access to the Internet.

Public records show at least 17 withdrawals from the LP, totaling trillions of SafeMoon tokens, all of which were disclosed on the Binance Smart Chain—the place where users acquired the token. See BscScan, the Binance Smart Chain Explorer, available at:

It is a matter of public record that, long before Karony “disclosed for the first time” that the developers could use the LP (and thus that it was not uniformly “locked”), Ind., ¶ 51, it was disclosed to users—many times over.

In summary, John's argument here is that because people can access BSCscan, essentially nothing that is done on the blockchain in contradiction of communication given by John & the team to investors can be counted as fraud, because the true actions taken are fully public.

So what do we think? Yes, it's true. Blockchain is public. That is the very point of it. But the public's ability to find this information? For anyone that has not done so already, I dare you to find the LP removals on BSCscan. It's not easily done, especially without anyone to help you identify wallets & decipher transactions.

This argument is a huge slap in the face to every Safemoon investor. John & the team told you all that what we said was FUD, and that we were wrong. They told you to block us, ignore us, they released a series of products that attempted to mock us. They ignored investigations by Coffeezilla, they never responded to their users asking questions. And now in court they attempt to rely on "Well the information was public knowledge all along"

The argument is a huge misrepresentation and ultimately it is a very weak leg to stand on. There is a gigantic divide here beween what is available on BSCscan, and what an average investor is reasonably able to ascertain themselves. On one hand, Safemoon makes plain-english statements about the LP being locked & the value of the locked contents. They also suppress factual information that contradicts those statements coming to light. On the other hand, they are acting in contradiction to their claims and the only way that information can be ascertained is through investigation & analysis of blockchain data, which reasonable investors can not be expected to undergo.

There's a bunch of stuff in this response to the response & I recommend reading it. You can find it on the excellent Live4Offrd's Twitter here: