Local glow up help needed

Help! Hard working about to be 52 yo man seeks help with a glow up. Been a devoted family man for the last 14 years, have a young son, about to be divorced. I’ve been out of the loop, mostly submerged in trying to maintain a stable homestead. I’m not a fancy guy, but I’m seeing that I have never had a real sense of style beyond jeans, tshirts and cargo shorts. I wear scrubs for work everyday and come home to my hoodie and shorts most days.

Well, that life is about to come to a painful end and I need to get out and socialize, get some chops and represent the best me that I can be. I need hair and style guidance mostly.

Anyone know of someone in the Sacramento area (prefer Midtown or near there) who can help me with this process?

EDIT UPDATE: Thanks all who repsponded with your support and perspective! The path ahead feels daunting right now but you all have given me some genuine sense of hope for the future!