Moved from Auth0 to a self-hosted auth solution

For most of my SaaS projects I have used Auth0 for user authentication and user management. Auth0 is pretty easy to setup and I am generally happy with the product they provide. The problem with Auth0 is that once you reach a certain amount of users Auth0 becomes very expensive. Because of this I went looking for an open source auth project that I could host myself and only have to worry about hosting costs. During my search I came across a company called Ory that has built and open sourced various projects related to auth. Specifically, they have a project called Kratos which is a complete authentication and user management system that is open source and can completely replace a managed auth provider like Auth0.

The open source version of Kratos doesn't have a UI or a management console of any kind. It is just a set of Api's that you integrate with your app.

They provide apis and flows for:

  • login
  • registration
  • email verification
  • account recovery
  • social login

and a bunch of other endpoints for managing user accounts.

Even though they provide all these endpoints it still was an absolute beast to integrate all these flows into my application. The docs contain a ton of information and aren't exactly as beginner friendly as the docs for Auth0. However, I am super happy that I took the time to set all this up because I will never have to pay for auth ever again in any of my projects. From now on I will just copy and paste my Kratos setup into whatever new SaaS I am putting together.

Now having set all this up it has me wondering if setting up Kratos for other SaaS builders could itself be a viable business which is why am posting this here. So that's the question, would you be interested in paying someone to help you setup self-hosted auth?