Possible HIV exposure. Help please!

So let me try to make this short.. I (33m) had unprotected vaginal sex with a girl on 2/25 and 3/2. Dumb move I know, and out of character for me. I asked her if she clean in which she replied yes. It wasn’t until after the second encounter I learned about her past which included drugs and sharing needles. I have the same past so no judgment , but I get tested yearly. It’s been 4 years since she took part in that type of behavior. Anyways.. I know sharing needles puts someone at high risk so now I am freaking. When I inquired about testing she said she’s never been tested due to it being difficult for them to draw blood. In the same breath she said she remember getting a Pap smear and being positive for hep c but the viral load was so low that she is asymptomatic. If she has hep c ran then she must have had other stds (or I’m assuming)? I don’t think hep c is detectable through a Pap smear so maybe they did a urine catch and she is confused or doesn’t remember? Which could detect hiv and other stds? We are no longer talking as this was short lived so I have no way of getting a definitive answer. She lives a healthy life now , but I know hiv can be asymptomatic in some people or do you guys think it would have become apparent in the past 4 years since she has shared needles and had possible exposure?

So now I’m here overthinking everything and thinking I had an exposure. Of course I googled early symptoms and my throat is a little raw today so now I’m REALLY freaking. I am going to get tested, but I am sure it is too soon and a waste of time? 2 weeks since initial possible exposure and one week since second exposure ? Please help ease my mind and let me know when I should get tested for accurate results.