I personally messaged the Okaloosa County Board of Commissioners about the SS United States and they responded saying this: Hi William. We are very much aware of this vessel's great history and plan to continue to tell her story. The vessel was gutted decades ago and there is not much left inside. Before she was sold to the County she was edging closer to being dismantled and scrapped. Instead of her not existing at all, the County came in with the idea of adding her as part of our artificial reef project. In the northern Gulf waters, naturally occurring reefs do not exist. Artificial reefs provide much-needed habitat for the marine life out there. She will also become a diving destination and area for commercial and charter boat fishermen. The cost to restore the SS United States to her original beauty would extend into the billions and is not economically feasible for County government. For decades a location for the vessel was sought with the goal of restoring her. The location and funding did not materialize and the previous owner was forced to remove the boat from its docks in Philadelphia and sell her for either scrap or as an artificial reef. Okaloosa County fully intends to deploy her as the largest artificial reef with a land-based museum. As an artificial reef she will see more visitors in one year than saw her in three decades in Philadelphia. More people will learn about her story, learn about her history and she will still exist instead of ending up in the scrap yard, disassembled and sold to the highest bidder. Here is our FAQ site for reference. https://myokaloosa.com/SSUSFAQs - Thanks, Nick