Starter SSBM Combo Video Playlist

A while back I made a starter combo video playlist for new people to see some of the cool stuff each character can do. For some, picking a Melee character is hard because they can't be placed into neat boxes that fit archetypes you see in other fighting games, but what can help is to watch the art other people make using each character and to follow what your heart tells you to do.

It's easier to stay motivated when you want to recreate a cool thing you saw, or maybe make your own combo video in the future, instead of telling yourself you have to play a "rushdown" or you have to play a "zoner" because those broad categories fit your current idea of how you enjoy playing. Those ideas can change just like your taste for music.

In short, watch a couple and pick whoever looked the coolest, or whoever had a song you liked, or whoever you had an emotional attachment to. Any reason to start is a good reason.

(P.S. I know some of the videos are unavailable so I'll replace them later.)