I have all the Sliders Seasons Ripped

So I have all the seasons ripped from CD. I have always been a huge fan, nostalgic even, of the time when I was a kid when I saw them. In my 30's now I couldn't watch them anywhere in my country let alone get CDs.

I have managed to get them as I am big fan of the show and as many people in the world might be, but have had difficulties to watch it or get physical copies.

I have got immensely expensive but worth it disc sets of all the seasons. If anyone wants said ripped files, I am happy to share it across online drives or folders and keep it open.

Just need to know where would be the best place to upload it and keep it free to download through out perpetuity & open for all.

P.S. This is only because I have had a tough time getting a hold of it and would like to help people have a copy for themselves.