Best laxative for IMO?

I’m freaking out maaan. I never had anxiety before this. 29 M and 🙏 for me cuz this shit is wild.

I haven’t had a fulfilling shit in idk how long. I don’t have very much abdominal pain or anything but I know I should be going more

I already took 600 mg of mag citrate, almost 5 hours ago. No dice

This morning I was able to go a little… the only thing I can think of that I did differently is that my girlfriend rubbed castor oil on my stomach. Neither of us thought it would work and obviously it’s placebo but I was able to have a bit more of a BM than usual.

I’ve been pounding water and ginger tea which usually helps but nothing. Well except some weird soft pebbles that give me mud butt… but no real regular shit

Stomach massages are doing nothing. I went for a run, did yoga, nothing.

It feels like it could be either several large pieces, or like just a bunch of mushy shit. Sorry that’s gross.

I just want to have several large and productive shits. That’s all man.

My girlfriend made dinner and since my diagnosis I have found that I am very afraid to eat. I intentionally hold off eating even when I feel starving sometimes because I’m afraid to eat and worsen my constipation… then I do eventually eat a small -medium meal and my fears are confirmed when I have no regular BM.

At this point there are so many meals worth of shit in me and it’s freaking me out even though I feel relatively ok. I’m afraid to eat, but fasting makes me worse

All I have is stool softener and some magnesium citrate powder I picked up- the problem is I already took 600 mg of mag citrate in the gummy candy things so I can’t take more magnesium until 24 hours from noon today.

The only thing I haven’t tried is salt water on an empty stomach and to be honest I’m scared to do that

Also I have never tired an enema I don’t have materials to do that