[O Levels] chinese orals

hello everyone!!! can i ask if anyone has any tips/tricks to score a distinction in chinese o level oral?? i’m aiming for a distinction but i’m a lil worried tht i’m unable to achieve it. i have some questions on oral and reading aloud too so here are some of them:

1) for question 1, i think it’s always linked back to the video but i’m not very sure. can i give my personal recount to answer this question? or is it best recommended not to do so?

2) i’m not the best at speaking fluent chinese because i literally keep stuttering every few seconds when i see the oral examiner😅does anyone know how to stop this?? also will the oral examiner minus any marks if i stutter during reading aloud/oral?

3) and for question 3 of the oral, must we/can we give a counter argument? so like if my stand is 同意 and i stated the reasons for my stand, can i also say a counter argument? or is it not needed?

4) should i skip the word i don’t know how to read or try my best to read it?

5) will including some good phrases (成语 or 俗话etc) boost my oral marks?

thank you so much 😊