Help auntie out here (academic related i promise)

Hi guys - (mods pls delete if u all think not appropriate) - I'm directing this post to any sec sch kids who are hopefully young enough to remember what P5 and P6 was like.

My older kid is P5 this year. He's been doing pretty well so far, I'm proud of him and want to keep him out of tuition (other than Chinese). He's said he will tell me if and when he feels he needs tuition for other subjects.

He's finding P5 Science pretty tough though, when he didn't have problems with Science before. Is it normal? He's reluctant to ask for tuition (duh) but he also just seems sian that it's getting harder.

Fwiw I've taken a look at some practice paper qns with him (they are beyond my teaching ability at this point), and when I've asked him to take a look at the textbook, he tells me you can't find the answers in there. Have told him that since part of school is also learning how to answer exam qns, we can look at model answers and see what's expected.

But surely there's a better way to do this that is not tuition or working backwards. OR IS THERE ? Help a mother out if you have a couple minutes to spare? What type of outside material did you read or find helpful? Thank you!

He's very big on reading Young Scientist and absorbing general knowledge, but it seems like even that is not the way :')

EDIT: thank you everyone, younger and older, who took the time to respond :) i appreciate it. Guess it's time for me to relook pri sch science, which i thought i was done with forever decades ago :') To all still studying, I wish you all the best and hope you find something you enjoy studying, if you haven't already!

Edit 2: ya i bought the practice papers, hahahahaha