How does applying for ITE work
Ive failed EAE for a course about coding so now im waiting for my N lvl results to be released which is i think on the 12th when we gotta go back to school to receive it. Got sent the website where we will be applying for courses but i only see EAE, technical diplomas which i gotta already finish a course to try for, work study diploma but sadly doesn't have anything interesting except maybe accountancy which is like 1/5 courses i would be trying for and a part time instance which says is for adults as the options on the website . So im wondering like wheres the option to try applying for a 3 yeae higher nintec course?? Cause from what I've been taught in school it's supposed to be like a form up to 15 options of courses we put in so similar to a cca form to apply for and the website only allows for singular courses apply??