How does ITE courses and applying work?
About to finish my N levels soon but i was also rejected for EAE. My school has like a counselor for these kinda things n she gave us a talk for what happens and she said like even if rejected from EAE it's not the end of the road just focus on N lvls and choose out 5 courses you want, 5 you can probably get in and 5 you can confirm get in so that when you apply you know what to apply for already
But idr or know how does the applying work or where to even apply. Is it the same link as when we did EAE applying? What to prepare for when we apply do we need a portfolio or smthing? My courses so far is also in shambles as in mainly aiming for 3 year higher NINTEC preferably in Central but couldn't even get up to 5 courses to choose for so it's so far just
Applications and games Application developing iirc was the name Accounting Business administration
Also if yall know any info about any useful courses that can help land a job or work study diploma would be appreciated cause i fr don't think there are any other courses that seems too interesting so I wanna aim for the ones that can get a job somewhat easily or allows for work study diploma