JPJC ( dress code) letter of complaint to Mr Ang
Recently there has been a ban on long pants in jpjc. I find this completely ridiculous that as young adults in jc 17-18 we have no right to wear more modest clothing. We tried to explain that it is due to religious reasons already but our voices go unanswered. It is unreasonable to suddenly inflict a new dress code. How is it possible that even secondary school kids can do something that we are not allowed to? You claim that it is to standardise the dress code but what else are you going to change? The next thing you know the colour of our shoes will be back to white and black only. How is it possible that in a country that has a mixed race and cultural identity, you can oppress the rights of basic religious beliefs? Can we spread this so that it reaches someone with a voice so that someone can finally knock some sense into his head? I hope more people will stand up to this and speak out for our friends. Some of you may claim that this is overreacting but you have not seen how outrageous the principal is towards us. From getting rid of prom to cca with huge interest like Gymfit or cca who had been doing well like debate getting removed without proper reasoning. This has to stop at least listen to us instead of acting like we are imbeciles when you have shown no proper explanation and use your authority to prevent us from further enquiries. Moreover, if you had properly announced such changes to us as a respectful gesture instead of us having to find out from our teachers who have to bear the extent of our anger while you spend time talking about football in morning assemblies which could have been spent announcing these changes. If you claim that we need to be reasonable enough to "demand" things why can't you follow suit and provide an actual venue for us to voice our thoughts? I am so sick of it all, this is by no means to insult you or our school but an urgent plea to get you to finally listen to us although like usual you will ignore the countless of threads shown.