Questions about NYJC

like i might get posted into NYJC so i have some questions 1. Basically my parents are planning March holiday trip and December holiday trip. So i would like to ask if JC school holidays is same as Secondary School?? Like when are the holidays? 2. When are the exam period? 3. How are the food there? If i really get posted in which stall is recommended? 4. Regarding CCAs, is it compulsory? I mean like two years of JC needs a lot of studying idk if i can handle CCA and studying at the same time 5. What is the reporting time and when are the dress down days? And by dress down, is it don't need wear uniform and wear other school related clothes? 6. Normally what time does school end? 7. How are the Chinese Literature, Chem and Bio department there? 8. Is there like prom at the end of J2 after As? (A bit random this qn but just asking) Thanks to everyone who answer my qns🙏