on caffeine: felt compelled to say this
Just a friendly PSA that the businesses on campus (Starbucks, Dunkin) offer you a drug that changes your behavior and thought patterns.
This drug is known to cause your thinking to become erratic. When taken scantily, this drug is excellent for long driving trips or the occasional energy boost. But drinking this drug every day does impair you on many levels, and your brain is also very good at hiding that fact from you. Don't let these companies set up shop and indoctrinate you at 20 years old so that you will continue to buy from them for the rest of your lives. You do not need coffee to study; you need a good night's sleep, friends to hang out with, and some form of aerobic exercise.
Here's a picture of what caffeine does to spiders building a web. As you can see, there is no clear thought pattern.