The Day of Silence rules

On December 28, 2029 a strange incident happened globally. This incident resulted in nearly a trillion dollars in damages and killed about 2 billion people. This event became known as the Day of Silence and started happening annually on December 28 after that. It starts at different times each year but always starts between 12 and 5 in the morning. The 4th Day of Silence is going to happen in the next 2 weeks, and if you would like to be alive for the next one, here is what you need to do.

  1. Prepare at least 2 weeks in advance

1a: Preparation includes: Making defense and mentally and physically preparing. Note: Storing food in your home is pointless as it tends to spoil inside of your home within minutes.

  1. If you go outside for rations please make sure to:

3a: Do not make a noise

3b: Do not interact with anyone else, even if it is human

3c: If they detect you, run. If you are fast      enough they'll lose interest

  1. Do not sleep at all, you will not wake up

  2. Be prepared for them to attack you house. Guns or knives usually work against them.

  3. Do not go outside at dark.

  4. If they make it in, do whatever they ask. Even if it means sacrificing a family member.

  5. Let your outside animals in, they will kill them and it will hurt you more.

  6. "Zones" will appear anywhere (even inside your house), there are a total of 339 officially documented zones, but there are thousands of unofficial/undocumented zones.* Zones are never more than 20 ft in diameter and most don't do real damage. They do not signify that they are nearby, zones just appear (and sometimes disappear) at random times.

9a: In our area, there are only 3 zones to worry about:

Ripwind: Wind drags you rapidly to the other side.

Vacuum: Filled with vacuum.

Strange: Makes you feel very disoriented.

  1. The safest place you can be during this time is the Ohio Belt.* Try to be in here

  2. If you find a building that wasn't there before, it's a trap.

  3. Although this isn't a rule, it should be noted that "them" are actually called the "Humili" and should be called this in a professional environment.*

  4. When fighting them, if you can feel or hear your heartbeat, it is too late, you have lost.

This is all of the basic stuff, as it tends to differ from region to region and I have scratched the surface. This is only how to survive, not thrive.

*Will be further explained in a future post (that's probably not gonna be made)