Rules for the Train

You ponder on why you ever joined, who would've known you were going to get chosen as the tester for all these, weird, imaginative, and frightening rules these people would have come up with.

The notification rings, great, another set of rules, you board the Train you have boarded many times to get to the place where these rules take place, but this time is different, you approach your seat but a lengthy paper meets your eyes, you pick the paper up and start reading.

Rules for The Mundana Train!<<


Greetings Seat A23! Welcome to The Mundana Train! Please try to follow the regulations listed below! Have a wonderful trip to your required destination!

This was never here before, you mutter to yourself, but you have already had a grasp of these rules, without hesitation, you start reading again.

  1. Please do not leave your seat until we say you can! Invisible Crawlers roam the floors, if you do not follow this, please prepare yourself to get torn apart limb from limb.

  2. When announced you can roam about, please do not wander too far from your seat or carriage.

2a. If you do stray a little too far, please brace yourselves for the transformation will start.

  1. Do not bring any animals into the train, the crew can not tolerate them, keep an eye out for the snacks you are fed, who knows, it could be simple steak or maybe dog stew, the crew will not be responsible for any deaths or disabilities your animal might get.

  2. A few minutes after the train has started, our ticket collector will come to, obviously, collect your ticket, if you came aboard with no tickets or lost them, you will be thrown into the furnace to power our train.

While reading, you notice someone sitting next to you, you notice the person is wearing a bright yellow hat, not fazed, you keep on reading.

  1. Please do not interact with anyone, they are just...normal...entities who strayed too far.

  2. Do check the back of the paper to know where you're going and how long it takes to reach.

6a. 20 minutes - 40 minutes: Interact with the person sitting next to you, just a slight graze can notify them that you are here, rule 2 to 2a do not apply. Run, the Invisible Crawlers will be on your tail but run, sit on where you find a red paper, and you will be safe from there.

6b. 50 minutes - 1 hour and more: I hope you are a good fighter, Janice will appear, she has pale skin with her head covered in massive, bloodshot eyes, move as much as you can, Janice has terrible motion sickness, and I mean awful. Do not reach the end of the train nor the beginning, you will be trapped and you will become one of the Invisible Crawlers if you are lucky.

  1. There is a kid who roams the train, she is the conductor's daughter, and her name is Carla, treat her with utmost respect, if you do, you might be saved, half of the time it just depends if she likes you or not.
  2. Most of the time, eyes will appear on your seat, do not worry, they are just checking if you are still there.

Goodbye ! Have a safe trip.


You stuff the paper into your pocket and sit silently, a few minutes later, a guy, wearing a uniform approach you, his face is cloudy, almost like there isn't a face.

"Tickets, please", he says with a raspy voice, you give him your ticket, and he leaves.

"Hello passengers! It is now safe to roam about the train!", you hear the speaker say. Without thinking much, you get up and walk, you didn't know where a 'Little too far' was, so you kept walking, you kept walking, and after an hour, you kept walking, mindlessly, you kept walking, and you kept walking, you fell on the floor, but you tried to keep walking, you feel changes, but now it seems you had to keep walking.

"Damn it, conductor, it seems a new entity spawned, give me the rules so I can adjust it." , " Here ya go." , the conductor says as he passes the rules towards Janice.