Hello? Is anyone there?
"I don't know if anyone can hear this, my radio's been badly damaged and I don't know how long it'll last. If anyone is there please listen carefully. I am from Norway, the virus began here. People are becoming violent and disoriented. They don't recognise their families. The government is trying to hide it but you're in danger. It's not as bad in your countries but it will be. The emergency broadcasts you are seeing on tv are NOT REAL. If you are to have any hope of survival I beg that you follow these rules-" You sit silently by your radio, perplexed by the desperation in the man's tone. Sure, the virus was spreading but you we're safe so long as you didn't eat any infected food.
"- 1. The virus spreads rapidly, avoid crowded spaces and DO NOT join groups. More people means more disease and more mouths to feed.
1.1. If you're stupid enough to join a group. Keep an eye out for signs of paranoia, fever and rapid breathing.
1.2. If symptoms are found, DO NOT self terminate. The infected will use your body for some sort of sick ritual. It will only make them stronger. I've seen it with my own eyes, god it's terrifying. I hope you never have to witness such horrors.
The infected thrive in cold temperatures. Avoid going outside for anything that is not absolutely vital. Food is NOT vital. The most you can do is pray that you can make what you have last.
Make sure wherever you stay has at least 3 exits. When the second wave begins the infected become more intelligent. They will attempt to trap you.
The second wave will come in 2 weeks. Within this time frame you must stock up on supplies and avoid telling ANYONE where you are. If they contract the virus they will hunt you.
The second wave will last approximately 3 weeks. After this the infected will retreat. They will hide for weeks and it will be blissful. Do not allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security. They will return.
When they return the infected will have changed. There are 3 main types, though variants are not rare.
6.1. Variant one is the soldier. They are similiar to those in wave 2. However, they are much stronger. Avoid at all costs.
6.2. Variant 2 is the siren. The siren will call to you. She will blind you as the soldiers feist on your flesh. The moment you begin to feel calm and safe, you must cover your ears and scream as loud as possible. It may attract soldiers but it will buy you time to run.
6.3. Variant 3 is the most dangerous. The bacteria. Variant 1 and 2 can be defeated, though with great difficulty. The bacteria is unstoppable. It appears to be a green slime but it grows. It spreads rapidly and takes over entire towns. The moment you come into contact with it you contract the virus. If it is within a 10 meter radius from your shelter, collect all vital supplies and run. If it is in your living space, distance yourself from all living beings. Lock yourself away for at least 3 weeks as it is very likely you are infected.
- There is no hope for those who live past the second wave. Eventually, you will grow tired. You will slip; maybe you'd forget a rule or become so desperate for food you'd feel you have no other choice. Or perhaps you will grow lonley, the silence is deafening here and it will drive you mad. Soon you will realise that the worst thing you can do right now, is prolong the inevitable. God has left us. Do not pray. I am sorry."
The radio fell silent as you looked slowly towards the woman in the corner. Her eyes darted around the room quickly, her breathing quickening as she began to sweat. "Can you turn the heat down?" she asked.