Worst loss I’ve ever experienced.

First off, the pre-battle screen said there were only less than half of the French ships than there actually were (6 battleships, 6 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers). No idea where all the extra ships came from. And perhaps even more importantly, 56 of my destroyers were prevented from taking part because of lack of fuel. I’ve only been playing for about two weeks, and I’ve had some bad losses, but this massacre takes the cake

First off, the pre-battle screen said there were only less than half of the French ships than there actually were (6 battleships, 6 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers). No idea where all the extra ships came from. And perhaps even more importantly, 56 of my destroyers were prevented from taking part because of lack of fuel. I’ve only been playing for about two weeks, and I’ve had some bad losses, but this massacre takes the cake