Whoa!!! Any other sitters shocked by the service fee?!
I just spent nearly two weeks caring for a sweet, energetic Labrador retriever. Since I’m unemployed now, I took advantage of the extra time to ensure this dog had a blast away from their owner. Daily hikes in the wilderness, lots of playtime, regular trips to the dog park to play fetch. He had such a good time and we are gonna miss him.
But the boarding ends today and I saw my final payout and I was shocked - Rover took $100! That’s INSANE. That’s 20%?! I should have read the fine print beforehand but given that I am the service provider, it’s crazy that they can take such a high charge for really just providing a subpar, bug-ridden app. Rover didn’t walk the dog every day, give him treats and cuddles, and wash my laundry after he peed on my stuff!
I mean c’mon. I’m probably just gonna go back to using flyers and exchanging numbers with my clients because that is daylight robbery and ridiculously high.