Overstepping pet sitter
I have a 5 month old pup, and he is a very good boy. We have been consistent with our training’s and poor thing never had a single accident in the building or anywhere else since he moved in with me. I had to go the office and I got this sitter who i met before and she told me her vast experience with dogs etc. one thing I dislike about some pet sitters that they assume we must don’t know anything about raising a pup and go on and on about I should be raising him and training him. We already have a fantastic trainer for him. Anyways we do meet and greet and she agrees to come the next day. I have all the instructions on his profile and I explained her everything, kept the food water toys everything ready.
I get a message from her that he hasn’t gone for number 2 which I was surprised because it’s been 4 hours and his just a pup so I asked her to wait a bit more and I can pay extra but she said he still didn’t. Also she was booked for 30min but she sat looking around the house for one hour, then as soon as they step out of the door he peed on the lobby carpets. Couple hours later my building maintenance fined me for an accident in the lift. I asked her and she said that’s not him, she would never miss that. But then they show me the video.
Well I thought it could be a genuine mistake. And when she apologised I said that ok things happen. And I let go. But some time later she sent me a long text about my training methods are bad and when he grows up and I change my training methods she might look after him (by the time I had decided never to book her again anyways) I politely told her it’s none of her business and if she’s not comfortable with puppies that’s what meet and greets are and she could have said no.
Well I decided to let this go and she had 20+ 5 star reviews I did not wanted to add anything negative. But my pup started to pull and get reactive on leash. I have no clue what happened suddenly because he used to be neutral around dogs and people. Well I read her review on my profile and apparently “because I don’t allow him to meet “he is so desperate to meet anyone and everything on the street” she let him do that” it makes sense suddenly why this has been happening. I’m so furious that I left my precious pup with her and she overstepped my boundaries to which she had agreed before and then still had the audacity to go and brag about it on the review. I have the urge to report her but she has my number and I do not want any drama. This is my second experience with a sitter who has tried to train my pup or change his habits. It is discouraging because now I don’t have the heart to leave him with anyone new.
Update: as many of you have suggested I did leave the sitter a review. A constructive one mentioning everything that happened and what could have been better. I didn’t make it too negative as I still believe everyone has room to improve and hopefully she will learn something from this and not disrupt others training’s etc.
when I posted this here I wasn’t hoping for so much support, specially from the sitters and that helped me restore some faith back in sitters and I know that I’ll find a good match for my pup soon. Thank you all for being patient and helping me with this and being so kind.