Dog fight

I can’t get a proper pic of them cause the first dog is ALWAYS running around or sleeping never in between and the other is always sleeping or I can’t get a chance because of the first dog (there is 3 but Hawkeye has nothing to do with this). I’ve been sitting for them for 8 days and thankfully this happened on my last day here so the owners don’t have to worry too much and I don’t need to worry about it happening again. This morning at 9am (great timing when I was half asleep still) I realised one of them hadn’t eaten their breakfast (second dog) so I pointed her in the direction of her food to try to encourage her to eat because I’ve notice this is a regular thing and then the first dog came out of nowhere trying to get at her food and before I could step like I usually do the first dog just started attacking the other one. They’re quite but as you can see and I’ve honestly never dealt with a dog fight before so I kind of froze, then calmly tried to separate them (as if that would work) then I noticed blood on the cabinets and went into in panic mode (a good one don’t worry I just can’t think of a better word it’s still early) I managed to separate them thankfully without getting injured myself as the the one attacking kept trying to bite me when I reached for her and straight away the other dog ran out the kitchen but she was dragging her behind legs and walking on her front (now I know she was just in shock but I was panicking thinking I’m gonna have to go a vet even tho they aren’t open and I can’t drive and there isn’t a vet close to here) thankfully she just has a cut on her nose (last pic) and no broken legs and the other one has no injuries just the other dogs blood on her fur 🙃. I messages the owner straight away but they aren’t awake yet and I’m wondering how long would you keep them separated for? The dog who was attacking is completely over it and just wants to play fetch but the injured dog is still a bit scared and won’t even go near the kitchen. I’m only asking on here cause the owner isn’t awake yet and I feel guilty that I’ve had to leave the attacker outside alone. I was also told they don’t fight, I make sure to ask because I know I can get panicky in these situations and I’m honestly surprised by how well I handled it for my first time, I don’t think the owner lied to me and this could have been a one time thing but it’s shook me a bit with how fast it happened.

Also I would post the video I took of the blood in the kitchen but I’m not sure if that’s breaking any violations or not so I won’t but there was a fair bit.