Living experience in Pleinweg

Hello everyone, I just got an opportunity to rent a nice place on Pleinweg. I read a bit here in an old post that it was not the best place/area in Rotterdam.

However, the room seems nice and we all know that the housing situation is hell in the NL.. The specific place is located a bit closer to Zuidplein station/Theater Zuidplein.. so also not very very close to Tarwewijk (which I heard it’s bad).

So, since Pleinweg still appears to be long, I wanted to know some feedback on the area and if my specific location can be better for living (than closer to Tarwewijk for example). Did things get better recently, I heard there have been efforts to make these south areas better and that further down the south is even worse!

Thank you in advance, Any feedback is very welcome since safety is quite important for me!