Ocular Rosacea - Eyelash Loss
Helllppp. For the past 2-ish months, I've been losing 5-15 lashes per day due to ocular rosacea / demodex blepharitis / demodicosis, and I just started applying prescription ivermectin cream to my eyelids several nights ago. I feel like it's making things worse - more collarettes and more lash loss - and I know everyone is going to say that it's a demodex die-off in progress. Okay, I get it, but how do I prevent more lash loss!? I wear eye makeup literally twice per year (and haven't since Christmas), I practice good eye hygiene, and I don't use any weird products on my face. However, I now have bald patches where eyelashes used to be, and the loss continues. I can't wash my lashes directly, or even touch them, because they fall out. The slightest breeze can bring 2 or 3 crashing onto my cheeks. My dermatologist doesn't think oral ivermectin is necessary, but I'm over here flipping out every time I see my face in a mirror. The rosacea on my cheeks is also angrier right now, but the lash loss is really, really bothering me. I restarted a biotin supplement recently, but I know that's unlikely to help very much if the demodex have simply decided to invade.