Treat or leave it alone ?

I was diagnosed with rosacea and was prescribed soolanture. My symptoms have not been bad (finger crossed). I get some redness and a few pustules almost everyday but they usually goes away in a day or two. Then new one forms. Some pustules causes redness around it but again it goes away within a day. It started last summer after we went to Hawaii (did not wear sunscreen everyday), also at about the same time i developed lupus (autoimmune).

My question is if I leave it alone, would it get worse ? I am not sure if soolature is necessary (not sure if mite is the problem)? Or just better skin care routine?

I was diagnosed with rosacea and was prescribed soolanture. My symptoms have not been bad (finger crossed). I get some redness and a few pustules almost everyday but they usually goes away in a day or two. Then new one forms. Some pustules causes redness around it but again it goes away within a day. It started last summer after we went to Hawaii (did not wear sunscreen everyday), also at about the same time i developed lupus (autoimmune).

My question is if I leave it alone, would it get worse ? I am not sure if soolature is necessary (not sure if mite is the problem)? Or just better skin care routine?