Too far

Hello, i wanted to talk about something that happened in sub today that made me uncomfortable. Today someone made a post with a meme about “Remy writing a romance story between a palestinian woman and an idf soldier”, now i’m not stupid i know that’s to highlight how Christian being an li in KFS is problematic since he’s a colonizer. However that joke was… distasteful to say the least. I’m not gonna say that the genocide in Palestine is more important than the one that happened in India, but it certainly is more present rn. Just last night Gaza was bombed and 400 died, (almost 200 were children) and 600 were injured. Now imagine being palestinian waking up to this news, going on the sub to maybe take your mind off things and finding that. No hate to the poster, I'm sure they had good intentions. This is not to criticize them, but they should have been mindful of such a delicate topic, plus there’s people who romance Ian and could have been offended by that, romanticizing colonization is wrong and that falls on the author, but from a reader’s perspective perhaps they just like his route or design and they’re just innocently romancing a fictional character on a silly mobile game. Personally i feel this is not an isolated incident and it’s not just a case of a poster not being mindful, in the last few weeks i haven’t interacted much with this sub because i feel like some stuff has been a little too much and too biased, where i felt hesitant to post or comment when i had a differing opinion because it’s the sub has assimilated certain views about each story and everyone has the same opinions that get reiterated and even exaggerated. For example, I've had a lot of backlash for not liking a story that was very popular at the time, despite being respectful. I feel like in the past it used to be more open. Now in this case  I feel like it’s the Remy hate, i used to like her a lot but now I just stick to simply liking SCN since I've learned stuff about her that I don't really like. The criticism is totally valid and even if you hate her it’s your opinion you’re entitled to it , HOWEVER  it’s become too much atp imo. Almost everyday there’s posts about her, everyone is always talking about her and a lot of stuff just gets exaggerated to a maximum for some reason, it’s become the sub’s favorite topic, i don’t hate her i think she's problematic and i disagree with stuff she’s done if i did hate her i wouldn’t wanna talk about her nonstop. Some of the hate and the criticism is genuine and comes from a place of hurt because of the little research to cultural settings and for bad writing choices or people are simply appalled by stuff she’s done, but most of the other hate seems like you’re just trying to ride a popular wave and acting like it’s trendy. This situation is the perfect example: you're so upset about her being racist and using a sensitive topic like colonization to write a romance story that you go and use colonization to make a joke ?  it’s hypocritical and definitely not genuine, again no hate to the poster but i doubt that person cares that much about palestine or has enough understanding of it. It’s like most you have lost sight of why you even hate her. We should be able to express criticism when an author or a story does something bad, but this clearly ain’t it.