Convince me to read [INSERT] - let’s all play!

Join me for a silly game, won’t you Reddit Romance?

We all have that one book that’s been on our TBR FOREVER. And it looks good, so you don’t remove it, but you just never start it for one reason or another. Maybe a different book comes out that you love, or maybe there’s a three star review that made you second guess if you’d like it, but not enough to delete it entirely. Maybe you know it’s gonna be a good book, but not a great book. Maybe you’re like me, and you even downloaded it, but it’s just sitting there.

Like me, you need convincing! I’m sure there’s someone on this sub that has read it and loved it - or at least read it and can influence you.

So let’s play! Comment “Convince me to read [Insert Title]” and wait for replies!

I’ll start with two options. Convince me to read {The Bonus by TL Swan} or {How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang}.

And Go!