Seeking: southern accented charming scoundrel and a tough/ funny or takes no crap heroine. He falls first
Is there something like this?
I don’t want him to be an alpha hole per se. Just charming and flirting BUT maybe he’s damaged or needs help. He can be southern in any way not regionally picky. Basically anything from Louisiana to Texas to Georgia to
(Places non southern people think of without knowing much 😂 about places and proper terms) you know where I’m going.
She has to be fun or sassy but mostly capable. A takes no shit type woman who can handle him and beat him at his game
Would love if he falls first.
Would be cool if they have good banter and sexy times.
Maybe work together on a case or whatever
Also NO big age gaps. And NO 20 something or college babies. No monsters or vampire lol
No pregnancy tropes either
All the rest is fair game. Contemporary would be great but open to others.