How do you stay motivated to keep learning after a bad session?

I have been skating for just over two weeks now, I've gone to the same park every single time and I've had a great time. This time though there was 4 boys (I'm assuming around 11yrs old) stood right by where I was practicing and laughing at me and making comments the whole time. I am used to people walking past and making the odd comment but ,It was very windy so my balance was thrown off. Every time I tripped or tried to recover from falling they would laugh more and more. I was only there for about 30 minutes, I normally skate for about an 1:30, but I couldn't take it anymore so I left,feeling humiliated.

I'm kinda scared to go back just incase I have a similar experience again and this new hobby is entirely ruined for me.

UPDATE: Thankyou for all the really nice comments and help ! I went back , earlier in the morning this time as most kids are in school then and it was fairly quieter. I made a playlist and listened to music the entire time which helped with my anxiety so much. And I enjoyed myself, even though the wind was a pain in the ass but that's just typical UK weather.