What happened to Aztral?
I’m watching a montage of his best goals by RL FX, and I just have to say wow
The first time I watched this 4 years ago, I was literally watching with my mouth open in shock, how did he do all these mechanics back then? And watching now, it’s still impressive till this day.
A lot of the high level mechanics that are done today, were done way back then, when Aztral was playing. Ground to ceiling shot airdribble, corner reads, advanced dribbling etc
Now for this part, I’m trying to remember anything about him, so a lot of this info below might be wrong
For his achievements, I believe he won the S9 Championship? Don’t quote me on that I didn’t watch back then
Anyways, I know that when I first got into RL, he had the reputation of being toxic towards his teammates, talking back to the coach (I think there’s a clip?) and when under high pressure, I think Noly or one of his teammates said he gets really quiet and you have to play around that
After moist, I really haven’t heard anything about him
So where is he now? What happened to him? Is there a chance he makes a comeback?