Please stop scoring.
When your opponent's teammate quits and you're in a 2v1, please for god sake stop scoring. I've had this happen a ton and often the opponent stays in the game and sometimes just sits still, but my teammate just KEEPS dribbling it in. I mean if you wanna go for some freestyles or something, have at it. But if you keep scoring every 4 seconds by shooting the open net the game is going to take a frickin hour. We already won, lets play keep-away and drain the clock down so we can move to the next game, please. Also, if you're the opponent in this situation I'm sorry your teammate bailed when you were only down one point, but it's not our fault so either FF or try to 1v2 us legitimately, don't just sit there and waste everyone's time.
Edit: Didn't realize this was such a controversial opinion. Jesus fuck. Also I'm MOSTLY referring to when the remaining opponent is just sitting completely idle and not FFing. If he's actually trying to play, that's different.